
DCI Arrests Three in Nairobi for Possessing Cocaine Concealed in Teddy Bears

Photo courtesy of Nairobi Wire


In a major breakthrough in the ongoing crackdown against drug trafficking, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has arrested three suspects in Nairobi’s New Donholm area for possessing 298 pellets of cocaine hidden inside teddy bears.

Photo courtesy of Nairobi Wire

Acting on intelligence, authorities apprehended Sharon Debra Achieng’, 25, Leon Ochieng’, 28, and Ronald Onyango, 25, at their residence. The operation was carried out by a specialized team from the Anti-Narcotics Unit (ANU) and the Operations Support Unit (OSU).

During the raid, officers discovered a black suitcase containing a few clothes, toiletries, and three teddy bears. Upon inspecting the teddy bears, they found 298 pellets of cocaine weighing approximately 6.8 kilograms. The street value of the seized drugs is estimated at Sh27.5 million.

Additionally, police found several air tickets for various destinations in the name of Sharon Debra Achieng’ and Kes.37,000 in cash, suspected to be proceeds from the illegal drug trade.

The DCI expressed gratitude to the public for their continued support and cooperation, particularly those providing actionable information through the #FichuakwaDCI initiative. The agency highlighted the critical role of public vigilance in combating drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

“The DCI thanks the members of the public who continue to #FichuakwaDCI by sharing actionable information and warns traffickers that their misplaced efforts will only earn them tickets to courtrooms and correctional facilities,” the DCI stated.

As investigations continue, the arrested suspects are expected to face charges related to drug trafficking. The DCI urged all citizens to remain vigilant and report any information that could aid in the fight against crime.

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