Having friends is important but having friends who have kept GOD as their rock is so special to anyone who needs company. Lady Bee who got born again a few years back got a bit sentimental when she met her friends Size 8 and Kanze Dena in a meeting with her spiritual mother Reverend Kathy Kiuna.
Lady Bee expressed her delight in having friends who are born again and celebrated both Size 8 and Kanze for being that great friends who has exemplary humility and kindness.

“He who walks with wise grows wise,but a companion of fools suffers harm..Proverbs 13:20 .#TheWordOfGodIsALightToMyPath
#GoodMorningFriends I love my beautiful sisters in Christ @Kanzedena your humility really humbles me @Size8 your love for God,your love for mwaa aki #AmCryingEkaVoiceYa @DjMo am so proud to be your friend. You are great people. Be Blessed abundantly,” Lady Bee stated.
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