10-year-old Rose who is Bahati’s adopted daughter gave the churchill show crowd a show to remember after she creatively imitated former comedian teacher Wanjiku . Rose who had accompanied her dad, Bahati , to the show for the interview that was aired yesterday at 8pm ,was given a chance to showcase her talent in comedy where she showed her mastery by cracking jokes exactly the same way as teacher Wanjiku.

During her performance you could almost say that teacher Wanjiku was back on Kenya’s most watched show since the confidence she exhumed was top notch.The way she continuously cracked the jokes left most of the audience holding their ribs in laughter.

Bahati who had gone to be interviewed after winning Groove awards Male artist of the year among st other awards was also left in amazement by what her talented daughter could do. Him and the audience present were forced to rise on their feet in order to give her a standing ovation.
Kenyans who watched the show that was aired on Sunday 13th June took to the social media to congratulate the young talented girl. Her are some of their comments:
@RM_sheriff : I swear this 10yr old kid adopted by Bahati is HOOOOT!!!!!! #Churchill #ChurchillShow
@KibsJnr: #ChurchillShow teacher wanjiku arudi! wangui was an evidence of the role she played in kids lifes
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