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Songs Sound Same? : Should Bizi B Change His Way of Producing Songs ?

This is a new segment that we will be running on our website where we will be reviewing our brothers and sisters talents while informing them of what is happening out here.

bizi b post

Groove Awards 2013 producer of the year Bizi B is one of the best audio producers in our beloved country Kenya. Born again and married Bizi B Brian is the CEO of S-Bar studios which has produced some top-tracks in Kenya including :

Sitolia – Willy Paul & Gloria Muliroo 

Kitanzi – Willy Paul & Gloria

Bwana Wa Bwana – Princess Faridah

Chukua Sifa – Haddasah paul

Nakugonja – Mercy D Lai

Nisamehe – Mercy D Lai

Many would argue that Bizi B has brought a new dimension in production as this was something that probably you haven’t listened to. They would further go and say that Bizy is the producer that has produced almost 90% of songs by Gloria and Willy Paul.  But others would agree to disagree that in as much as he has produced top songs they seem to sound the same.

Comparing the songs below you would feel the same touch among many others.

Fidel Atondola – Wakati

Bwana Wa Mabwana – Faridah

So does he need to employ more diversity in his production ? or he needs to stick to the same production as that’ s what makes his trademark ?

Changing would really help to an extent as it will make songs look different and put the music production level to a new level. I guess that’s what makes a producer to stand out and even to grow to a whole new level.

On the other hand changing might make you lose the touch you once had as probably it might mean starting from scratch. This would be a risk one as a producer might need to take so that a radio listener will not just know that a particular song is your production from a far even before asking.

What do you think ?



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