As you all know uliza links is one of the few websites that doesn’t write gossip or rumors. We have been consistent on being constructive and through that we have attracted different people of different classes to follow us.
From the likes of Dennis Itumbi, Jimmi Gathu , Yvonne Khamati, Paula Kahumbu to Anne Kiguta our followers are mixed but there are those who have consistently stood out.
But we love all of our followers
We compiled a list of the top 10 Kenyan public figures who have publicly expressed that they appreciate what we do and closely follow our new posts. We have many followers but we had to reduce it to 10.
10. Alex Mwakideu
He is the radio host at radio Maisha with Jalangoo . He has been a great follower of uliza links to the point of sharing our social media accounts on his face book pages. We so much appreciate you Alex. Such an inspiration.
9. Carol Radull

She was the 1st public figure to ever follow us. When we had only 100 followers Carol Radull was the 1st to take that step of following our handle. Since then GOD has played a major role in bringing our ideas of transforming the society together.
8. Emmy Kosgei
Call her Mrs. Madubuko. Emmy Kosgei loves uliza links with all her heart. The funny thing is that our team has never met with Emmy but she is always excited to meet the team that has been promoting her brand through blogging.
7. Jason Dunford
He followed us years back and on a one on one interview with him he stated that he was just amazed on how we took the role of promoting new talents selflessly. A good lad he is.
Special : Willis Raburu, Francis Gachuri and Waihiga Mwaura
One of the greatest followers we will ever have are Willis Raburu, Francis Gachuri and Waihiga Mwaura. Willis was there from the start he shared and shared about our website when we launched it and up to now he still reads our blog.
Francis Gachuri on the other hand is just an amazing guy. He has been quite inspired by the posts we shared and even celebrated us on his twitter handle.
Waihiga Mwaura on the other hand is such a nice guy. We met with him at Mwafaka Awards 2013 and since that day Waihiga has been following our blog and even commenting on some tweets that we share.
6. Eric Kinoti
Ceo of Shades Systems. A new follower of our brand but has been an active follower who stated that he is blessed by what we do. We hope for more with you Eric Kinoti.
5. Mzazi Willy Tuva
Since we launched our blog in 2013, Mzazi Willy Tuva has been that great follower of uliza links. He has always been the first presenter to share any new music we share.
He terms uliza links as a team called to the world.
4. Cynthia Nyamai
When you talk about Cynthia Nyamai you will just be amazed on how she has been close to our heart. Though always busy in and out of the country because of her PR job, Cynthia Nyamai spoke of how our blog has been a blessing in her life.
3. Heshan De Silva – Owner of DSG
He is a Kenyan billionaire but a humble guy. One of the guys who has termed uliza links as brilliant and different from the rest.
2. Jeff Koinange
Oh My Wa Mae!!! Jeff Koinange has been a great lad to work with. Since working on Maurice Odumbe story Jeff Koinange has been close follower of what we post and share.
1. Julie Gichuru
Words can not explain how much we love this woman. She has been the number one follower of uliza links. She has promoted our brand to the point of even talking about our stories LIVE on Citizen Tv. We always get surprised by the love she keeps showing our blog by the continuous sharing of stories.
We thank GOD for all our followers on facebook [ Uliza Links ] , twitter and instagram [ @ulizalinks ]
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