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Uhuru’s Coastal visit was a success

According to State House Spokesman Manoah Esipisu, President uhuru Kenyatta’s tour of the coast region was very successful. While addressing the press at State House Mombasa, Mr. Esipisu said that the president was able to launch various development projects.

The president was able to open the newly refurbished Kongowea and Mackinnon markets and also signed the fishing bill. “During his visit, the president opened a refurbished Kongowea Market which has a capacity of 12, 500 people to the tune of Sh320 million and the Sh7 million Mackinnon Market all which will go a long way in improving the working environment of local traders” said Esipisu.


According to Mediamax network, Mr. Esipisu further said a number of development projects launched by the President touching on infrastructure, health and energy sector will boost the economy of the region and improve the welfare of its residents. On energy, he said all the 90 primary schools in the six constituencies within Mombasa county have all been connected to the national grid adding that thousands of homes are being connected for the first time.

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Written by Eugene Cardus

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