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15 Signs You Are Doing Better Than You Think

Many at times you  find yourself complaining too much about your current situations and the challenges you are going through that make us feel sorry about yourself.

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If you complain over a headache remember there is someone else in the hospital who might be waiting for an operation on the head. There is no need to worry about what you are going through because you are better than many people. Here are 18 signs that you are doing better than you think:

1. You are alive.

2. You are able to see the start of the day and the end.

3. You did not go to sleep hungry last night and will not for the days to come.

4. You can afford to buy a burger, pizza and fries there are others who cant.

5. You awoke this morning with a roof over your head.

6. You had a choice of what clothes to wear . someone else didn’t

7. You haven’t feared for your life today.

8. You have overcome some considerable obstacles, and you have learned and survived.

9.  At least you have ambition, passion, drive, and the freedom to make your own decisions.

10. You are reasonably strong and healthy – if you got sick today, you could recover.

11. You have access to clean drinking water.

12. You have access to medical care.

13. You can read the bible and many inspirational books.

14. You have a friend or relative who misses you and looks forward to your next visit.

15. You have a mobile phone and you can at least access the internet.

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