
8 Reasons Why You Always Find Yourself On Twitter

Social Media is the new world termed the global village as it connects persons from different jurisdictions together.

Have you ever thought why you always want to check if you have a mention or just want to check whats trending on twitter? Well we are going to review 8 reasons why you are “addicted” to twitter.

Reason 1

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : You Always want to share what you are eating even when on a date.

Reason 2

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : You always want to tell your friends what you are doing.

Reason 3:

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : You find yourself tweeting what the pastor is preaching when in Church

Reason 4

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : You always Die and Faint when watching comedy shows on Tv and survive at the same time.

Reason 5 :

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : When annoyed with someone, you cant wait to go and complain online.

Reason 6 :

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : You create hashtags for every thing you do or everyplace you go.

Reason 7  :

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : When having normal conversation with someone you always try to reduce your words to less than 140 characters.

Reason 8

You Know You Are Addicted To Twitter If : After reading this you will go back to twitter to check if you have a new mention or Retweet.

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