
I Have Been Angry And Bitter At Myself : Eunice Njeri

With all the attention drawn towards Eunice Njeri from her worship music, many would think that she is near to perfect. But with all that comes with living in this world, Eunice Njeri is human like any other person and she is working on her journey of salvation.

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In an inspiration thought to self Eunice Njeri speaks of how she has had her struggles in life working on patience, having humility and getting angry.

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“I thought what I went through was unique to me..The sadness, disappointments etc,but with all the inboxes hmm i think I’ve been through it for a reason …No one ever asks me what is your story Eunice?

BUT under all the makeup there is a story……for all the wounded/hurting ladies that everyone is laughing at…i got you…for all the single ladies whose friends are all married and they can’t wait to hook you up.. I got you….for all the ladies who’ve waited for a good man too long…i got you…for all whose boyfriends got someone else pregnant. ..for all who’ve been cheated on by your best friend…If He made you feel like nothing…..hmm I got you too!! All of you who’ve given up on relationships I still got you….🙏🙏

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I have learnt that my Joy comes from the Lord…i have learnt to wait patiently…i have been bitter and angry mostly at myself…to let go of this anger was the most difficult..God is helping me on that one…..i have learnt to forgive everyday by knowing I need to be forgiven maybe more than my offender!!

I’ve learnt to restart over and over…am not there yet but I know I’ll get there by the power of Jesus Christ…i encourage you today… WHILE WAITING DON’T FORGET TO ;; praise pray
worship for I know that the ultimate desire is for God only.

The real enemy is the devil and what he is actually fighting is the God in you..God’s plan is so great that he can’t stand it..i encourage you today as i encourage myself……. GOD IS FOR YOU AND NOT AGAINST YOU AND HE LOVES YOU AND ME!!!” Eunice Njeri shared.

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