
Breaking : High Court Declares Huduma NAMBA Roll Out Invalid

The High Court has declared Huduma Namba inavlid after ruling that the law wasn’t followed in its roll-out.

Justice Jairus Ngaah ruled on Thursday, October 14, that the Government failed to conduct data impact assessment before rolling out the cards in November last year, contravening the Constitution in the process.

Law scholar Yash Pal Ghai and Katiba Institute had, in November 2020, challenged the roll-out of the cards over lack of guarantee against theft or misuse of Kenyans’ personal information.

The lobby group argued that the Government failed to subject the fresh registration of Kenyans to data protection impact assessment (DPIA), a requirement under the law.

The High Court has quashed the decision by the state to roll out Huduma Namba cards, ruling that it was illegal.

“An order is hereby issued to bring into this honourable court to quash the government decision of November 18 2020 to roll out Huduma cards for being ultra vires of the data protection act 2019,” the court ruled

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