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What A Girl!! : 8 Year Old Girl Boldly Asks Church Members To Pray For Bishop Ben Bahati

8 year old girl on Sunday morning surprised her mum by boldly taking the leap of faith and asking church members to pray for renown Bishop Ben Bahati who is admitted in ICU.

Bishop Ben Bahati has been in ICU for days now after he broke his spine in a ghastly road accident in Eldoret.

Ben Bahati preaching post

Gospel singer Dawn Chege who is the mother of an 8 year old was on Sunday moved by the heart of her child who took a bold step to show that GOD is greater and a healer.

The child did not only ask church elders to help pray for the bishop but took time to contribute for the Bishop who has a pay bill set up for contributions.

dawn chege

dawn chege daughter

Dawn shared

“My daughter was so moved to the extend of taking my phone to send some contribution to help in paying the Hospital bill for our brother and Mentor Bishop Ben Bahati.

She carried that heart to the church where she requested the Elders and the church as a whole to pray for him. Brethren,lets join our hearts and have faith that God who hears our prayers will perform a miracle and i know with the kind of faith my daughter had Ben will leave the hospital.”

What a great heart the child exemplified and this will in deed go a long way in helping the bishop who needs 8 million shillings for hospital bill.

The wife of Bishop Ben Bahati by name Mary was hosted on NTV and KTN yesterday as she shared on the condition of his husband who has mentored many gospel artistes in the gospel industry.

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