Nijenge is pleased to announce that the 2nd Nijenge Live Campus edition will take place at Presbyterian University on 3rd, June 2015. The 3 hour forum will run from 2-5 pm and will focus on the theme: The Art of original thinking. Guest speakers will be Ian Mbugua and Glass House PR CEO Mary Njoki.

With the premiere Nijenge Live Campus edition held at St. Paul’s university on March 5th, students at Presbyterian University now have a chance to experience and be part of Kujenga Kenya. This 2nd edition is organized by Nijenge communications in conjunction with @LtCaezar of #TheNiteTalk.
Nijenge is a personal development youth communications company that seeks to build Kenya by building and inspiring young people. Nijenge thus strives to create platforms for young people to meet, interact and share real life experiences with top leaders from the society.
This edition, sponsored by executive water, @LtCaezar and #TheNiteTalk, Uliza Links and Nijenge is the 2nd of 35 editions to be held this year, and will feature live performances by Samawati Band, Sheddy, Belong, and Unikk Dance Crew.
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