
Jaya Starts A Depression Campaign : Speak Out Reach Out

Jaya Awinja the voice behind Bahasha ya Ocampo and recently released her debut single Heart Right Here has started a great initiative called Speak Out Reach Out.


Cases of Depression are usually many and most people find themselves depressed due to a variety of circumstances. Jaya is here to address such an issue as she has been a victim of such a case.

The Campaign is called Speak Out Reach Out and Jaya says:


“There are so many (young) people around you and me who are dealing with extreme cases of depression and its consequent effects (especially thoughts and attempts of suicide) and no one is doing anything about it ’cause no one talks about it. 

Having been a victim of this deadly condition, I feel it’s time to talk about this thing that is claiming hearts and lives, and see what can be done about it. 
SPEAK OUT::REACH OUT is the name of the campaign (the page is up on Facebook) and let’s get talking. I believe I have been called to be a source of help and of hope to anyone going through such a hard time and has maybe even have to be hospitalized for it.”

Support her campaign by checking the face book page and sharing.

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