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Meet Ibua Africa Chat That Has Revolutionized Online Conversations

You have probably seen them trending every Wednesday on Twitter and probably you always wonder what is this #IbuaAfrica ? Probably you thought it’s a tv show or a radio show ? but it’s not. 

ibua africa post

We had the opportunity of meeting with them and they gave us a view on what they usually do :

The digital revolution is quite evident in our continent more-so with the current generation, this serves in both a positive and negative light in that the power to share and access information is now on everyone’s hand; and with this, it is difficult to control what we consume. This has also contributed to the vast dissemination of negative & decadent information.

We saw an opportunity to shape the proper conversations online and initiated the #ibuaAfrica chat every Wednesday from 6-7pm East African time.


This is an online initiative to engage with ordinary young change-makers on the social media platforms through live twitter chats; it also acts as a way to give these agents of change a platform to share their stories with the world.

As of Mid-September 2015, we have had 5 successful chats with impressions of over 4 million people per chat. We have had the top trending topic in the country thrice and twice at number 3.

Ibua – A Swahili word that means ‘to emerge’ or ‘come forth from obscurity’.
Africa has long been referred to as the Dark Continent, without hope and lacking self-reliance. The youth in Africa are often viewed as a threat to the continent. But this is not the case.


Mumbi Ndung'u - Founder of Ibua Africa
Mumbi Ndung’u – Founder of Ibua Africa

Ibua Africa (I.A) is a platform that profiles young Africans effecting positive change through personally driven initiatives or enterprises. The platform highlights the efforts of these young AFRICAN change-makers from an African contemporary perspective that inspires, motivates and mentors.

I.A. aims to encourage the growth of a progressive and positive, solution-driven citizenry for generations to come.
I.A invests in interpersonal interactions, creating a need and urge for one to take into their own accord, the re-framing of Africa’s narrative.
I.A uses inspiration to empower generations and aims to be the backbone of social change by acting as a catalyst of the greatness & leadership within young people.
I.A also works on refurbishing mind-sets, rebranding stereotypes & culturing a mentoring mentality.
I.A. aims to help Africans Understand & share their diversity, showing the powerful potential in the unity of our soulful heritages
I.A. identifies and recognizes, ‘changemakers’ across the African continent, verifies their credibility and highlights their story to the world.
I.A. develops a strong network of African change agents that seeks to mentor them into pragmatic citizens who are ready to take on different leadership capacities in their respective societies.



Target Group: 35 years and below;

Social Entrepreneurs, Trendsetters in different fields

Variety of diversity – From the under-privileged and those that are able.

Maintenance and preservation of moral values/ social responsibility

Area of transformation – positive impact, pillars of transformation

Have evident Opportunities they have/can create and guarantee

Longevity/ sustainability of project –not less than a year of existence


The Ibua Africa initiative happens in 3 phases:

The #IbuaAfrica twitter chat
The Ibua Africa TV Show
The Ibua Africa change-maker awards

If you know of anyone who you would like to have celebrated on the platform share their name, contact info and brief Bio to

Join us every Wednesday 6pm-7pm East African time on twitter under the hashtag #ibuaAfrica

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Written by Link Press

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