
Pastor M : Followers Of Jesus Need To Stand For The Nation

Pastor Muriithi Wanjau also know as Pastor M, a Senior Pastor in Mavuno Church in South C is one lovely person and add to that a Patriotic Kenyan. After the elections process it seems the country has been divided due to the out come of results but we should try and move on as we wait for the final out come at the courts.

Pastor M has not backed down but has kept on encouraging our brothers and sisters in our beloved country Kenya to strive ahead and unite this country.

Here is how he puts it :

‘Kenya waits in eager expectation for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed!’ (Romans 8:19 ~ my paraphrase)… 

50 years since independence, we stand on the verge of history as a nation. The opportunities before us are amazing… A great land flowing with milk and honey! But the giants in the land are also huge. They include injustice, disunity and corruption.

The writers of our national anthem seem to have caught a glimpse of these giants from afar. They called on the ‘God of all creation’ to ‘bless this our land and nation’. These blessings would include JUSTICE as our shield and defender, UNITY as the key to peace and liberty, and PLENTY within our borders as we realized that God’s blessings were not just for us but were a means of blessing to others.

If ever there was a time when our nation longed for true followers of Jesus, that time is NOW! In our deeply divided nation, I challenge you to continue to speak a positive report about our nation. I challenge you to preach unity and national healing to your colleagues in the office and your family at home.

And I challenge you to stand firm against all forms of corruption – personal and corporate, in this new Kenya.

There are many who have prophesied doom over this nation. I don’t agree with their report. But when all the noise is over, the people around us will know those who’s professed faith was only skin deep and those who were true followers of their God!


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