
Peptang launches Popular ‘Dawa’ as a bottled drink

Peptang maker Premier Foods, inspired by homemade ‘dawa’, a herbal drink Kenyans enjoy to treat common flu, has introduced a new beverage, eyeing the market also served by restaurants.

The firm launched its latest product dubbed Recharge Dawa that will be on sale in supermarkets.

Dawa, which means medicine in Kiswahili, is made up of honey, lemon and ginger as its key ingredients.

Speaking at the unveiling, Premier Foods CEO Joseph Choge said the new drink is a part of the company’s efforts in product diversification.

“Market research, customer insights and feedback are the main drivers for product diversification. Through market research, we identify opportunity gaps and develop products to bridge them,” he said.

Mr Choge said the firm has spared Kenyans the trouble and time used to buy the ingredients and make the drink for themselves.

Source : BD

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