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Staff of an NGO Involved in a Job Scam Arrested

The top officials of an NGO that is reported to have duped thousands of Kenyan job seekers were yesterday arrested by the police for allegedly obtaining money from Kenyans through false pretence.

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The NGO is said to have lured about 20,000 job seekers countrywide by purporting that they will offer them jobs with lucrative salaries with the lowest paid staff earning around Shs.70,000.

The NGO officials who had organized for an official launch of the organization at the Karasani Sports Stadium held last Sunday, that saw thousands of job seekers streaming into the venue, claimed that they working with the Ministry of Devolution with an aim to eradicating poverty in the country.

However, it emerged that the Government neither the Ministry were aware of the existence of the NGO which was  found not yet registered  and had no funds to sustain the large numbers of recruits it had recruited.

According to NGO Coordination Board chief executive Fazul Mahamed,the NGO known as Sub-Saharan Africa Safe Promotion Foundation-International (SSASP), was operating illegally.

The officials who will be arraigned in court will changed with three counts that of collecting money under false pretence, operating without legal documentation or registration and purporting to have the ability to employ a large group of Kenyans.

Kenyans have been warned to be on the alert so as not to fall prey to such scams.




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