
The Secret Behind KTN Gospel Show Tukuza

Tukuza one of the popular gospel show’s tuned into by thousands of Kenyan’s every Sunday morning as they prepare to thank GOD for the great week.

tukuza krowbar ndiema post

Today we unveil the secret behind Tukuza. Is it really a secret ? Lets find out.

Tukuza show has come a long way since its onset hosted by Anto Ndiema DJ Krowbar and Esther Macharia on Radio Maisha and live on KTN at the same time. Probably you would think that this show is just like any other show but I would say they have anchored this show in touching lives that’s why it’s called a Fresh start.


Isaiah 25:9

In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

Every Sunday Anthony Ndiema and DJ Krowbar touch lives through inspiring stories that would live one left in tears and blessed at the same time by the guests who tell their personal testimonies. This is a major aspect of the show because as Christian minister’s we need to show what the Lord has done and that is what these two brother’s bring every day.

They just sync together as they match each other’s words and share a lot about the word of GOD. DJ Krowbar with the passion of serving GOD exemplified in his speech and Anto Ndiema the host with the listening ear and knoding the head as the stories are shared.

Anthony Ndiema says reason why they major in testimonies is because : “I believe every Christian has a testimony and Tukuza gives people an opportunity to share their experiences. Personal life experiences are great in empowering people and touching souls.”

We bless the Lord for these two great souls and we pray the Lord continues to hold them strong with their crew.

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