
Three children reunited with their parents 5 years later

There was jubilation and rejoice at the Shanzu law Courts, kilifi county, on Tuesday when two children who were kidnaped five years ago were reunited with their families. The two kids, girls, who are now aged 10 and 14, were received by their parents who had been eagerly waiting for the court to hand them over to them at the law courts. They were aged five and seven years when they were kidnapped from their homes in Bamburi.

According to nairobinews, the suspected kidnappers Margaret Juma Magero and David Ochieng Ometho were arraigned before Senior Principal Magistrate Diana Mochache on Tuesday for the mention of their case. The suspects who first appeared in court on November 26 are said to be members of a syndicate of a church group involved in child trafficking locally and internationally, aided with their relative in Switzerland who is married to a Swiss husband, according to investigators.

Senior magistrate Mochache, while addressing the fully packed court room, directed that a DNA report be done on the two children and another whose parents had not been identified, before they are handed over to their parents. “A DNA report is yet to be released but I will release the two girls to their parents, but they shall not leave the court’s jurisdiction or handed to any other person without court’s direction until the DNA report is released,” the magistrate said.

Ms Mochache directed that the third child aged two years old, who has not been claimed, be placed under the custody of Happy Children’s Home in Nairobi until his parents are identified. “The young boy will be released to Happy Children’s Home in Nairobi, we request the media to help the boy find his parents,” said Ms Mochache.

While holding the minor in her arms as she presided over the court session, the magistrate noted that the minor needs proper care and speedy identification of his parents.

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Written by Eugene Cardus

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