
Video Alert : H3 Thomas Releases New Video ” Fame” (Watch Here)

H3 Thomas is a Performing & Recording artist representing Jesus to the fullest through Hip-hop music. H3 Thomas puts his effort in sharing the love of Christ through music and has done many tracks among them hit single “Baba Yuko” with Jefro & award winning artiste Eko Dydda.

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In 2011,H3 was the most featured artist on the Madlove Lounge mixtape volume 2 dubbed “Open heavens” which was a double disc album that had over 60 of Nairobi’s best kingdom hiphop Emcees.

He has done a new video with lovely Waithera off upcoming album -Black & White where he puts the message across as :

h3 waiithera

“The song challenges people to look beyond vanity and see eternity through Jesus Christ as the way forward. 1st Peter 1:24 “All flesh is like grass, and all of man’s glory is like the flower in the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls; But the Lord’s word endures forever.

This is the word of good news which is being preached to you.” Mark 8:36 “for what shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his own soul”

Now Introducing Fame Fresh and New On Uliza Links by H3Thomas Ft Waithera


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