
Wajackoyah Summons Running Mate Justina Wamae for Disciplinary Hearing

Roots Party leader George Wajackoyah has summoned his running mate in the recently concluded presidential election Justina Wamae for a disciplinary hearing.

According to the summon letter authored by Roots Party legal director Washika Wachira, Ms Wamae has been ordered to appear before the disciplinary committee on August 26, 2022, at the party’s headquarters.

She is accused of contradicting the party’s manifesto, and its leaders and making statements that resulted in the ridicule of the party.

“Take notice that we have instructions from the party leader to demand, which we hereby do, that you cease and desist from speaking, uttering, or purporting to speak on behalf of the Roots Party of Kenya.

“Take further notice that failure to stop the misrepresentation and irresponsible utterances, we have instructions to institute legal action against you without further notice, to you, to your peril as to cost and consequences,” reads the letter.


According to Pulse Kenya, the party expressed displeasure at Ms Wamae’s utterances on various media houses as well as social media, where she acknowledged the election of President-elect William Ruto.

The document revealed that Wajackoyah’s running mate was being housed by the party which had also granted her a vehicle for use but had blocked the party officials.

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