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Willy Paul Shares : “Sometimes I Feel So Alone When I See And Hear People Talking Evil About Me”

Willy Paul has shared his statement after Buzz magazine posted an article about him claiming that he had a confrontation with Bahati. He feels so saddened by the state of the news ideas that most magazines will go to write about him and wonders why they just have to put him in cases where he was not part of it. 

On his facebook page he posted the following statement :

It was not my plan to talk about this… fisrt media is media and will forever be media.. and will forever do anything to stay on top… yesterday day an article was written on buzz magazine that… I had an exchange of words with my two brothers BAHATI N DK KWENYE BEAT on tuesday during the mseto east africa at tribeka… first and foremost I was not in tribeka that day my brother bahati can confirm that.

One thing that I can say is that God always has my back… and whoever is attacking ministers of God with false stories trying to kill them, is killing their own self…. Don’t compete with the power of God….. those who want to judge can go ahead but one thing that should ring in your mind is that our God is never asleep… sometimes I feel so alone when I see n hear people talking evil about me… it really hurts… now put yourself in my shoes… do to your brother something that if done to you.. you’ll be okay

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