
Wonder-Working POWER : Letter to Jesus By 8 Year Old Girl Leads Police To Her Rapist


A letter addressed to Jesus written by an eight-year-old girl and found inserted in her Bible gave the police just enough lead to arrest her rapist in Covington, Kentucky.

Dear Jesus

Covington Police Detective Nick Klaiss recalled this incident which happened in October 2013 as the man charged with the crime finally pleaded guilty to the charges of first degree sodomy, first degree sexual abuse and distribution of obscene material to minors last May 28, a Christian News report said.

“Although 25 years doesn’t seem like enough for the defendant to serve based on the heinous and unspeakable crimes he committed, it saves the child victim from being further traumatised by reliving her nightmare of abuse,” Kenton County Prosecutor Kate Bennett said in a statement.

In October 2013, the police received a call from a Covington-area elementary school following a report that a child had been sexually abused. The teachers presented the investigating officers with a note written by the eight-year-old girl, which had been found in her Bible.

“It was addressed to Jesus, and the note disclosed how the defendant … had been abusing her, and pleading with Jesus to have the abuse stop,” Bennett told a local TV station.

Klaiss said the letter was the biggest evidence that led the police to identify and arrest her assailant, identified as 36-year-old Eric Rivera.

“It was very detailed—the allegations that she put in the Bible—so, in that sense it make the case easier,” Klais said.

The police also questioned the girl who described in detail how she was repeatedly abused by the defendant. The girl also disclosed that her abuser showed her dirty images on his phone and in magazines.

When the police subsequently searched the home of the suspect, they found the exact magazines described by the girl. They also found the pornographic images on his mobile phone that the girl mentioned.

Bennett said that the investigators became emotional when they read the letter the girl wrote to Jesus and which she inserted in her Bible.

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