
‘Yesu Ninyandue’ Singer William Getumbe Arrested For Indecent Content

The Yesu Ninyandue artist William Getumbe thought he would be able to escape the long arm of the law but he soon learnt that he could run but not hide. The artist was arrested and is to be arraigned in court.

The police from Kapssoya Police station together with the Kenya Films Commission Board detained the so-called gospel artist and is set to be arraigned in court n Wednesday. William was arrested over non-compliance with the films and stage play act, cap 22.

William’s arrest comes after a seven-day lapse Demand Notice that was issued to him for violating section 4 and 12 of cap 222 governing the creation, distribution and exhibition of audio-visual content in Kenya.

This was specifically for the song Yesu Ninyandue that was termed blasphemous. William will is facing charges on filming without license, distribution possession, and public exhibition of indecent performances.

Kenya Films Commission Board threatened legal action to both William and Embarambamba for publishing and sharing inappropriate content through their music on different media platforms. Embarambamba was the only one who heeded to KFCB and was seen meeting with Ezekiel Mutua alongside his lawyer.

KFCB is urging the Kenyan public to report any distribution and sharing of inappropriate content within any social media platforms and broadcast channels so that they may take the appropriate action.

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Written by Bushnell

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