
Nyako’s Family Astonished After She Received Award

Controversial content creator Nyako Pilot is being appreciated for her contribution to the country. The content creator known for her large audience pull Live on TikTok and her humorous response to critics received an award.

The German-based content creator recently received an award during the 2024 Marwa Music Award that was held this month at the KICC. Nyako received the award for Comic Content Creator of the Year.

Nyako’s award was received by her manager Chinedu who passed on her appreciation for the honour to be recognized. He said that the creator managed to make humorous viral content without any background in the comedy field.

Chinedu also added that the award also is a representation of her philanthropic work. Pointing out that Nyako’s foundation which is aimed to help children in need is getting more recognition through the award.

Wajakoyah, Nyako’s brother shared that he did not understand why his sister received the award. He however alliterated that Nyako has been a comic ever since her younger days. Wajakoyah shared his sentiments during an interview with local media.

At the award ceremony, dignitaries like Ezekial Mutua, head of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya AND Ida Odinga, wife to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga were present. Nyako’s award comes amidst some Controversies over leaked inappropriate footage of the content creator.

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