
Content Creator Pilot Nyako Pleads For Help After Her Paypal Gets Frozen

Oh, how the mighty fall. This seems to be the common reaction amongst Kenyans after Nyako pleaded for help from her TikTok fans. The content creator known for her unapologetic remarks was now weighing her words.

According to Nyako, her PayPal account has been frozen and she has no access to any of her funds. She adds that she tried getting funds from her TikTok account that pays her for her content but it was on negative.

According to Nyako, her PayPal account shows she owes 1500 Euros while her TikTok account shows she owes 900 Euros. She claims that she has been put into debt unfairly and does not understand why she is being deducted.

The content creator claims that a person who goes by the name Absolute has been sending her money when she is rallying for fundraisers for people like content creator, Brian Chira who was in financial need.

Nyako adds that Absolute and other women have rallied together to send letters to the government of Germany and Paypal. This has resulted in her getting her accounts frozen and being put to debt to pay back Absolute.

She shared on her TikTok live that she would have to look for a job to make ends meet and pay her rent that was due the next day. She adds that she will need to talk to the fathers of her children to put them under medical insurance.

Nyako is known for the fierce and rowdy statements during her TikTok lives. She is unapologetic and not afraid to clap back at rude comments during her live sessions, giving her a big fanbase in Kenya.

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