
I Can’t Miss Church : Kenyan Judge Refuses to Work on (Saturday) Sabbath If Appointed New CJ

David Maraga
Judge David Maraga speaking at a launch

The question of Sabbath day has risen a number of times when it comes to seventh day Adventists. David Maraga who is a born again Court of Appeal judge took the sabbath question (like a bull with horns) by refusing to work on Sabbath if appointed as the new chief justice.

David Maraga
Judge David Maraga speaking at a launch

“It would be very difficult for me to sit on a Saturday to hear a case,” Maraga said in reply to a commission member’s query about a hypothetical situation, local media reported. “I would rather talk with my colleagues in the court to accommodate me and exempt me from sitting if the hearing extends to a Saturday.”


“According to the judge, only a matter of life and death can make him miss church on Saturday — for instance, an accident happening on his way to church in which case he would stop to help the victims,”


The commission’s recommendations are forwarded to the president who, after endorsing them, sends them to the parliament for final approval.

Maraga’s stance won praise from Kenyan Adventist believers on Facebook.

“Wow, [I] am encouraged to trust and believe in Him more,” said Janet Michira, a sales and marketing worker in Nairobi.



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