
Deejay Celeb : “Are Things Not Going Right For You? Don’t Worry You’re Not Alone”

Another devotion from our brother who we love and respect a lot, a pastor and a disc jockey Johnny Celeb.

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Things are always hard as nothing comes easy, you might be lonely, left out or just having the toughest time in life. Don’t Worry you are not alone. Read Below and be encouraged “You Are Not Alone” By Johni Celeb


Life in all its twists and turns never ceases to amaze me. Blessings come in plenty at times and other times hard times come in surplus and all this issues are what make what we all call life. Life is rather packaged in time zones…a time to plant and a time to reap, a time to celebrate and a time to mourn, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to search and a time to give up.

This is the life we have come to know.
The good times when all is well are cherished and celebrated at times with friends and at other times just on our own, but the times of hardship, pain, loss….those times are the ones we dread. The times when things seem to turn around on us.
Have u ever been in what many call ” between a rock and a hard place” or have u had this situation that u thought u were the only one going through it.

Maybe it’s a financial crisis. Rent is not forthcoming, you got sacked recently and unpaid bills are waiting for you at home, You just got a call from the hospital and a loved one has been admitted and needs to undergo a life threatening surgery or treatment, maybe you recently got the “we need a break in this relationship” type of text or phone call.

All of us go through such times in one time or the other and at times this seasons of life beat us so hard we barely have the strength to get up on our feet. Such times leave us feeling like there is nothing more to this life or maybe God has just decided to punish us or maybe there is sin in our lives that God wants to punish us for. Do u identify with this situations? I have had one two many of such moments and mixed emotions fill my heart Dan at times they are troublesome.

But hold up!…in my situations i have come across a very interesting pattern…whenever am going through this hard times there is something miraculous that happens when I share the issues I am going through with my boys or the community of close friends around me. When i start sharing one person after the other starts jumping up and down almost taking over my conversation with similar stories and experiences and somehow this big weight starts to lift off my shoulders…have u ever had such experiences?


You start sharing how broke you are and someone in the group shares his or her story of financial hardships and u feel yours is a small issue compared to what other people in the group are going through and somehow what seemed like a mountain feels like a small hill compared to what some people in the group are sharing.

There is a certain weight that gets lifted when we share our hardships and come to the realization that we are not alone and other people in our close groups are either going through similar situations or even harder ones.

There is a form of healing and hope that we receive when we learn that we are not alone in seasons of pain and suffering, at times people might not sort us out in any form but just the fact that we know we not alone and the situation is not just unique to us inspires hope and we get renewed strength to face the hardest of all hardships.

Are you going through a tough season in your life why don’t you go and seek your close friends and close community around you and try talk about this big mountains that you are going through and you will be surprised when u learn that you are not alone in this journey, either someone has gone through the same and has some lessons and wisdom for you or maybe some are even in worse circumstances am you will get relief to know that others are still holding on yet the situations they are in are far much worse than your current one.

God in His word encourages us in Hebrews 10:25 not to give up meeting together but to continually encourage each other.
He also reminds us in one of my most comforting verses of His being there for us at all times. In Hebrews 13:5 He says “Never will I leave you;
Never will I forsake you”

It’s my prayer that your hope and your strength will be renewed in the knowledge that YOU ARE NEVER ALONE in life and that our loving Father is just a prayer away actually why don’t you go ahead and talk to him about your current situation right now in prayer and thanksgiving.”

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