
EUNICE NJERI : ‘My Music Made Millions On SKIZA But I Haven’t Been Paid’

With all hard work in music there is always someone who waits to enjoy the fruits of the labor as Eunice Njeri feels the pinch at the moment with a PRSP.


Liberty Afrika that is mandated to sell Skiza ring back tones is on the spotlight after having allegedly sold music of Eunice Njeri without paying her the returns.

Eunice Njeri who has a massive airplay in East Africa is need of help as she claims that she found out that Liberty Afrika have been selling her music which is over millions of shillings per year.

The singer in a statement to Uliza Links said :

“I have learn’t that from Skiza my music made millions. I may never see that money because Liberty Afrika claims to own my music. Please help”

Eunice Njeri post 1

This is the 2nd time in a couple of months where an artist is raising an issue in regards to sales of music on Skiza. Eunice Njeri must have either been engaged in a contract that she didn’t know of or someone is out there taking money that is not their’s.

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