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Henrie Mutuku : Reason Why You Need To Bless But Not Curse Those Who Harm You

Caution.  Parental Advisory.  P.G. rating.  Warning.  These are very important terms.  More often they save our lives or at least stops us from watching a movie or series that leaves is psychological scarred for life.  Are there experiences you have gone through and wished someone warned you about before hand?

christians-beheaded post

I wish I was told clearly when I was getting born again is that as a Christian, you must plan and prepare yourself for persecution.  The Christian lifestyle and attitudes go against the grain of our natural tendencies and sometimes this lead to persecution.

Paul reminds the disciple of Christ that he or she will be persecuted in Romans 12:14.  When this happens, we are expected to “Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.”

How much more peaceful would life be if we looked for the good in our adversary and insisted on treating them based on it.  God cares very much for our persecutors. He wants to give them every chance to turn away from their sin too. He is interested in showing them kindness that they don’t deserve, so that perhaps in that kindness, they will see their wrong and turn away from it.

Son of God Movie

In the book of John 3:17 and 18,we are taught that God did not send Jesus, His only begotten Son, to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

That condemnation of being an unbeliever and living an unbeliever’s life is enough for us to take pity on our persecutors for they are already condemned and in need of a Saviour.  If we are truly Christ’s disciples then we cannot, and  must not rejoice at the condemnation of those who are in the world but live in a manner that will not hinder their souls from being saved. We are to sincerely bless those who seek to do us harm.

So, I will do for you what I now wish was done for me when I got born again; Warning: Following Christ may attract persecution! Yet I do not want to infuse you with fear.  Be reassured that God’s divine protection is on you.  He has angels specifically mandated to “..lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone”, Psalm 91:12.  I can go on and on quoting scriptural assurance in the midst of trial and persecution.  This is one of the reason why we are mandated to  bless those who persecute us, because in the end, we are better for it.

I do sincerely hope that this week you will not have to face persecution because of your faith in Christ.  But just incase you do.  Please note that it is not an abnormality.  I pray that you enjoy a peaceful and harmonious week.  But incase of persecution, remember to bless and not curse.  bless and not curse, bless….

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Written by Susanne Showers

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