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Hope FM Was NOT Hijacked : Communications Authority Reveal Why Kenyans Were Hearing Islamic Prayers On Hope FM 93.3

hope fm kenya

On Tuesday at around 11.30 PM there was so much panic on social media after top christian station Hope FM aired Islamic prayers on their frequency. All manner of rumors came up to state the cause of infiltration of the frequency and now the Communications Authority of Kenya has established the true cause of the alleged hijack.


Here is their statement :

On Tuesday night around 11.30PM, Hope FM technical staff switched off their Studio Transmitter Link link to Limuru to carry out maintenance. 

Hope FM staff only switched the Studio Transmitter Link transmitter at the studio but forgot to switch off the STL receiver at Limuru. This resulted in the STL receiver at Limuru to pick broadcasts from adjacent transmitters, feeding the same to Hope FM transmitter.

This was the source of the interference experienced by Hope FM listeners last night. Some of the adjacent transmitters to Hope FM include IQRA FM whose broadcasts filtered through to the transmitters of Hope FM.

Communications Authority has on that note strongly cautioned members of the public,especially social media users against making any unsubstantiated speculations of the alleged hacking or cyber crime.

The Communications Authority of Kenya is the regulatory authority for the communications sector in Kenya.

Established in 1999 by the Kenya Information and Communications Act, 1998, the Authority is responsible for facilitating the development of the Information and Communications sectors including; broadcasting, multimedia, telecommunications, electronic commerce, postal and courier services.


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