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Kenya ranked among top UN suppliers

According to a recent Annual Statistical Report of UN procurement, Kenya was ranked 10th, close to the United Kingdom, which supplied goods and services worth Sh514 billion. Kenya supplied goods and services worth Sh45 billion to the United Nations, placing it on the top 10 biggest global contributors to the organisation.


According to Nation media group the United States was the largest supplier in 2015, with goods and services worth over $1.6 billion. These goods and services are usually categorised into 13 sectors, namely health, transport, climate action and construction and engineering. Others are consultancy, food and farming, education, energy, clean water and sanitation, humanitarian aid, administration and operation as well as peace and security.

In the report, there are at least 5,676 Kenyan companies registered at the UN’s global market as potential suppliers. The money was spent on 27 UN organisations, with World Food Programme taking up 37 per cent of the supplies with UNDP and UNHCR second and third respectively.

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Written by Eugene Cardus

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