
Milly, Terence Come Clean On Not Owning A G-Wagon

Terence Creative and his wife Milly are teaching their followers a lesson regarding social media. This comes after Terence was spotted with a G-Wagon.

Kenyan public figures especially in the content creation field are known to share the good news of their new wheels on social media. This was assumed to be the case for Terence.

The comedian was spotted with a G-Wagon that allegedly cost Ksh 3 million. Leading many of his followers to congratulate him on his car upgrade.

Milly, Terence’s wife however burst that bubble quite fast during an interview when she said the G-Wagon was not owned by Terence despite the many congratulatory texts they’ve received.

According to Milly, her followers should be keen and not take everything they see on social media as truth. Adding that most of it is curated.


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Written by Bushnell


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