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“I Do Not Fear Anyone, I Only Fear GOD” : Moha Jicho Pevu Leaves Kenyans Inspired With His Profound Words Of FAITH On JKL

Mohammed Ali of Jicho Pevu is not a new face to any Kenyan who watches tv in this day and era. He is gutsy, fearless and most of all he fears GOD than anyone else. His 1st official interview on Jeff Koinange live was to proof his course and on Wednesday night his thoughts ended up inspiring so many Kenyans rather than shocking them. Who would have thought that Mohammed Ali just hopes in GOD and not man ?

moha ktn

With not such a loud voice Mohammed Ali would speak of how he started his journey as a journalist. He was down there below many other journalists in KTN tasked to do other stories. Some probably never made it on tv but he never gave but pushed himself all the way up.

Now probably he is the most respected and loved journalist of all time in Kenya. Probably because of his character to go for the bad guys someone would say.

mohammed ali car

He speaks of Faith and how GOD is the only person who makes him pursue his purpose in life. “I Do not fear anyone he says, Only GOD. Its better for me to work so hard to help people who are dying rather than take bribe from top guys knowing that this is blood money.” Mohammed Ali says.

Adding to that his major point was saying that Kenya should be ruled by a spiritual source like the Bible as it the best moral guide in any society. He doesn’t like how the country leaders know an Act of the constitution and on the other hand know nothing about the word of GOD. “We do not worship GOD” , he says leaving Jeff Koinange a bit shocked by his words of Faith.

What does he smoke ? It is his calling and all he knows is that its only GOD who can stop him.

Mohammed Ali is truly an inspiration.

Here are some comments from Kenyans

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