
(Open Letter) Top Radio Presenter Raises Concerns About The Negative Attacks On Gospel Artists

Truth Fm is one of the leading gospel radio stations in Kenya and on one of their shows Paul K plays host during the break fast hour. Paul K raises concerns about the negative attacks on print media about gospel artists and now shares his thoughts.

paul k truth fm

“I am a concerned man. Of late, there has been a lot of attacks on Our Gospel artists. All kinds of speculations that I honestly don’t like every time I read anything negative about my Brothers and sisters. I have a question today- Who are these people spreading this rumors? It breaks my heart to say that they are those who proclaim Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. Satan is succeeding at pitting Christians against Christians.

It completely breaks my heart. It breaks my heart because the Jesus that I know is a Jesus of love and grace. He showed mercy and compassion for all (even those who were against Him). His greatest act of love was taking my place on that cross. Trust me, I am not saying that we should let fellow Christians get away with sin. I have also always been told that when a fellow Christian falls into sin we are to take them aside privately, if they don’t listen then you bring a couple more along to help you, and if that doesn’t turn them from their sin then they are brought before the church.

The Bible also tells us that when we pass judgment that we will be judged by the same measure. The bottom line is that any time you are calling someone out it should come from a place of love and not from a place of “my walk is so much better than yours”. The bottom line is that when we we pass judgment on them are we saying that we have ALWAYS called out EVERYTHING we have ever witnessed that is against God’s kingdom or even those things that aren’t edifying?

Are we saying that we have NEVER once enjoyed a non-Christian movie, comedian, musician, etc? Basically, are you really telling me that your nose is only in the Bible every waking moment of the day? Just remember, use the same measure you are to be judged by before you comment. I hope we change by God’s grace.”

What say you ?

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