
SIFA, Nandi County and KCB to ‘Green Kenya’ on World Environment Day

The Social Investment Focused Agenda, SIFA, is honored to collaborate with Nandi County Government to celebrate this Year’s World Environment Day on Sunday 5th of June 2016 at Kiminda Conservancy, Nandi County.


Initiated in May 2015 by KEPSA & H.E the Deputy President, SIFA is a platform that seeks to link private sector Corporate Social Responsibility finances and other resources towards ensuring the realization of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. 20,000 tree seedlings will be planted during this initial campaign.

Environmental fragility caused by global warming and human activities upon our planetary ecosystem is evident for all to see. The ravages caused by global climate change has devastated infrastructure, triggered displacements and human suffering, and altered the cycle of crop cultivation across the country, threatening food production and security.


Given the constitutional obligation on government to ensure that at least 10% of Kenya’s landmass is under forests as well as our commitments under international agreements and treaties, SIFA is pleased to work with Nandi County Government and the Kenya Commercial Bank in pursuing the goal of greening Kenya one county at a time. Leveraging on the World Environmental Day, the partners of this initiative hope to raise awareness not only about the importance of a healthy and green environment on human wellbeing but also, the need for action at government and community levels to address ecological challenges of our times by implementing some positive environmental actions such as tree planting and repudiation of any action that will endanger our flora and fauna.


While various Ministries Agencies and Departments of government are doing a lot in driving climate sensitive interventions such as smart agriculture, doubling renewable energy sources and protecting our water towers, no one must be left behind in the quest for environmental sustainability.

This initiative also looks forward to continue collaborating with other counties, private sector players and development partners in its quest to green Kenya.

Further information on this campaign and other activities by SIFA can be obtained from:

The Social Investment Focused Agenda-S.I.F.A.
Office of The Deputy President,
Harambee Avenue
P.O. Box 74434 – 00200 Nairobi,
Tel: +254 20 3247000/1/2/3/4/5


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Written by Clarice Wekey

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