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The Twakutukuza Trust Using Music To Help Cancer Patients

Cancer can take a toll on an individual and the family. Denial, finance expenses and pain is a lot to deal with. The Twakutukuza Trust has managed to make it easier for most cancer patients in Kenya.

The Twakutukuza Trust is a trust set up for people in Kenya struggling with cancer. The trust is founded by Doris Mayoli a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with cancer back in 2005 and was blessed to have family and friends who supported her through it.

Months later, Doris was miraculously cured of cancer and opted to be of assistance to those with cancer especially in rural areas and those who could not afford the cost of treatment. Doris then organized the Twakutukuza concert in 2009.

(PHOTO/COURTESY) Twatukuza Trust

The concert had remarkable results with lots of funding coming even after the concert. The concert also gave a platform to those with musical talents. Doris then held a second concert in 2010 and it also had a huge turnout and funds.

This led Doris to officially make Twakutukuza a trust in 2010 to manage all the funds that were coming in for cancer patients. Fast forward to 2023, the trust has grown with volunteers, a whole band, and partners.

Last weekend, Twakutukuza Trust partnered with Radio Africa events for the Nairobi International Jazz Festival. Whereby a percentage of the tickets bought would go to the Twakutukuza Trust as the world marks Cancer Awareness Month.

Twakutuza Trust also had show show-stopping performance the following Sunday at the Nairobi Chapel Ngong. With a choir of up to one hundred, the sanctuary was filled with a melodic ambiance of beautiful songs.

The trust has managed to help thousands of cancer patients across Kenya financially, emotionally, and spiritually. To find out more about their initiatives and work, check out their website.

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Written by Bushnell

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