
To GOD Be The Glory!!! Size 8 Is Now Born Again

Size 8 famously known in the entertainment industry is Now Born Again. Can We Hear An Amen.

She Confirmed this after we got some information from Mzazi Willy Tuva that one big name will be joining the ministry. Size 8 confirmed the same by tweeting

size 8 twiitter

Size 8 now comes after Lady Bee and DNG who joined the ministry too.  We Thank GOD and wish her the best in her new journey. She has new song called Mateke and you should watch for it.

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Written by Link Press

Uliza Links Team
Phone : 0727041162
CPT HSE, Forest Road, Parklands

Uliza Links Projects : Hip Hope Songs Of The Year Groove Awards 2013

(Photos And Video) : Florence Mureithi Ministry In Columbus OHIO (USA)