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10 Reasons Why Some Women Are Still Single

In the world and even in Kenya there are strong, independent women who have chosen to stay single. However, there are many beautiful and successful women who stay single not by their own choice, but because of some behaviors they display that drive good men away.

There are many factors that have lead to why these women are single, but the most significant ones are listed below.

1. She’s seeking “Prince Charming”

The most probable reason why highly eligible women are still single is that they created a set of unrealistic and unattainable characteristics that their partners should have. These women often limit their dating prospects, set themselves up for disappointment and pass up a lot of great guys in their search for the perfect man to be their knight in shining armor.

2. She’s a drama queen

This type of woman constantly ‘catches fillings’ and the good men they do attract are left exhausted with their never ending whirlwind of emergencies and problems.

3. She’s commitment phobic

She will seemingly form what looks like a lasting commitment to one man, but the commitment is usually only superficial. This type of woman will enter each relationship with a how long will this one last? frame of mind.

4. She is uncontrollable 

It’s her way, or the highway. These women are never wrong, and when in a relationship, everything is always the man’s fault.

5. She is desperate

This type of woman will seem fantastic at first, until she starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and the name of your future dog–all on the first date.

 6. she’s a workaholic

She may be attractive and successful, and yet completely hard to date because her life is all about work. If she is too busy to have any kind of social life outside of work, she’s already married — to her job.

7. She’s emotionally unstable

These women carry a tremendous amount of emotional baggage and will do things that are completely crazy, lacking rational thought and take actions with no thought about consequences.

8. She has too many insecurities

A woman whose life experiences have been a series of watching people damage each other rather than love each other tends to create a wall of defense with her emotions. Women like this begin to believe that no matter who they deal with in life, no man can be trusted.

9. She doesn’t take care of herself

Women with poor hygiene, unflattering clothes, unkempt hair, Poor teeth maintenance  and too much or too little make-up might have very slim chances of keeping a man.

10. She is not focused on future

The reality is that most men who are looking for a serious relationship really want women who think about how they can help build each other. Men enjoy having a woman who tells him on how he can cut down on his expenses and help in planing for their future plans.


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