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5 Types Of Women You Should Date

Finding a good woman is not an easy task, especially in an era where some women are master manipulators who abuse their female body which is the temple of God. Still, there are a lot of good women out there with traits that would make any guy happy.


1. God Fearing

It is very important to date a woman who believes in God and the bible teachings. We all know that God comes first before anything else thus the need to believe and trust in him and the choices we make. A God fearing woman will guide you using the scripture in times of difficulties or happiness.

2. The Independent Woman

The independent woman has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She’s the type who wants a man in her life, but doesn’t need a man in her life.

3. The Loyal Woman

This type of woman is ready to go to war with you and take on whatever obstacle life presents. She’s not the type that will be checking out other guys, but will keep her attention focused on you, the man in her life. Whether or not she’s up for first prize in a beauty contest, this type of woman will lift you up when you need it, provide constructive criticism to make you a better man and be on your side no matter what.

4. The Sweetheart

The sweetheart is a woman who’s positive, compassionate and gentle. She’s a genuine person who considers you in every situation. She’s always truly happy to see you and you find yourself looking forward to spending time with her. This type of woman is pretty rare, but if you can find one, you’ve got a real treasure on your hands.

5. The Low Maintenance Woman

The low maintenance woman is rational, not emotionally clingy, is comfortable doing things on her own and does not require constant reassurances. She really doesn’t care about how much money you have — she just likes you for you and not for what she can take from you. Unlike the high maintenance woman, she accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad ones. And she feels the same about you.

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