
Groove Awards Should Give Cash To Winners Of The Awards?

Groove Awards  is East Afria’s premier Gospel music awards showcase. It exists to honor, promote & give recognition to the artists, writers and industry players for their contribution towards the East African Gospel music industry.

Crossover team receiving the award for TV Show of the Year

So something that i noticed from a group of artistes who feel that groove awards should introduce cash.

So wait a minute before we run to any conclusions lets look at both sides of the coin. Do artistes need money? Yes they do, so that they can further the gospel and also that it can help them cover their daily needs.

Something i noted from one of the artistes is that the money should not be that huge as it will create competition. But it should be something to boost them a little.

What about the other side of the coin, money is good but groove awards is set to give you a platform to get recognized as a gospel artiste and also promote you further. Looking at some upcoming talents groove awards will help them to be recognized in their ministry.

So should money be introduced in groove awards and what impact do you think it will have on the awards.

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