
NEW TWIST : Kenyan Artistes Protest in CBD Against ‘New’ MPAKE That Replaced MCSK

A week ago Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) approved Music Publishers Association of Kenya (MPAKE) application after it declined to renew Music Copyright Society of Kenya Limited (MCSK) licence.


“The Board made the decision today after reviewing applications from two new applicants; National Music Copyright Society of Kenya Limited (NAMCOS) and MPAKE against the application for renewal by MCSK,” read a statement sent to newsrooms from KECOBO.

In a new twist artistes have not welcomed the new changes with open arms after a number of them held a protest today on Monday 3rd April at Deputy President office in Harambee Avenue.

The artistes raised their aggrievance feeling that MCSK had been wrongly snatched off it’s operating license by Kenya copyright board and given to a new organization called MPAKE. They also stated that MPAKE is an organization formed by one of MCSK directors, Mr. Mukaisi, who was their chairman and is alleged to have led to the collapse of MCSK by selfishly swindling millions of money.

Having protested at DP William Ruto’s office in the morning the DP promised to meet with the artists on Wednesday to discuss on the matter arising.

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