
Plans Underway To Kick Out Matatus From Nairobi’s CBD

The first phase of a plan to remove matatus from the Central Business District (CBD) will commence in September will mark the beginning of the first phase of an exercise to remove matatus from the Central Business District(CBD). Nairobi County deputy governor Jonathan Mueke said the decision came after a negotiation with matatu owners to get alternative space before removing them.

“We sat down as stakeholders and agreed on getting a permanent solution to the matatu menace as they turned the city pavements to parking bays and agreed to come up with alternatives,” said The Deputy Governor.

Earlier, Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero ordered for the removal of matatus from the CBD. This directive was met by a lot of resistance from matatu owners and shareholders because there was no instruction as to where they would relocate to.

The termini outside CBD will include Murang’a Road, Desai Park, Hakati-Bus Station road, Pumwani, Gitanga, Ngara, Park Road and Muthurwa.

The termini will be used by all matatus from upcountry “which have no business getting into the city.

Matatus coming from Central Kenya will be expected to end their trips at either Murang’a Road or Ngara.

The Machakos Country Bus stop will hold matatus coming from the Eastern side of Nairobi and Coast. Matatus coming from the Western side of Nairobi, will turn at Museum Road and end their journey at Ngara.

Matatus from Thika will stop at Globe roundabout or Desai Park or Pumwani.

Tom Mboya Street, Luthuli Avenue, Mfangano Street, Accra Road and Latema Road have been turned into matatu parking bays.

“You cannot expect a person to come from Muthurwa bus terminus to the one in Ngara by foot. The county will allow buses to move around, from one corner to another to transport these people,” said Mr Mueke.


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Written by Clarice Wekey

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