
Top Supermarket Chains Recognized For Their Support To The Local Music Industry.

PRISK (Performer’s Rights Kenya) and KAMP (Kenya Association of Music Producers) yesterday recognized Nakumatt and Tuskys for their support to the local music industry through regularpayment of royalties.

Tuskys  Licence Presentation_16th June 2016

PRISK and KAMP are a collective management organization recognized by Kenya Copyright Board. Together they represent the interests of Performers and Producers by ensuring that producers, musicians and actors are correctly remunerated.  They are a legally recognized body that requires users of musical works, sound recordings and audio visual works to obtain licences. These licences allow the holders to play music, sound recordings and audio visuals in their premises.

KAMP&PRISK yesterday paid a courtesy call to supermarkets- Tuskys and Nakumatt- for their compliance with the terms and conditions. They recognized the two supermarkets’ consistency in payment of their licenses. Nakumatt officials received their license along with a token from PRISK&KAMP.

In their statement the company appreciated all other users who have complied with PRISK&KAMP in supporting the local music industry.

“Music producers, musicians and artists in general provide conducive environments for businesses to thrive and people to share lifelong experiences. Their labour is as valid as that of any employee and commercial use of their works must be paid for.

We wish to thank all users who have been compliant and have continued to support the industry. Some of our most prominent users are major banks, supermarkets and the hotel industry. On behalf of all rights holders again we say asante sana.”


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