
The street boy with a golden heart

They are despised by the society for their filth, dirt, crime and mindless behaviour so it is the last thing you would expect to see a ‘Chokoraa’ hardened by the streets breaking into tears after seeing the plight of another Kenyan by the name Gladys kamande.


Kamande 32, has been diagnosed with collapsed lungs and therefore fully relies on an oxygen concentrator, oxygen cylinders and a generator to breath. The young homeless boy happened to be walking by asking for help from motorists. When he met Gladys who was stuck in traffic on her way to Kenyatta hospital.

He was about to introduce himself when he saw her carrying weighty equipment and curious as cat the homeless young man asked her what they were for. When Kamande politely explained they were supplying oxygen to her body, the young man broke down in tears uncontrollably.


He could not imagine what she had to go through daily and for a moment he saw himself way better than he thought. He deeply sympathized with Gladys kamande’s plight. But the fact that he didn’t have any means of changing Gladys circumstances made him even sadder. He got hold of Gladys’ hand and made a silent prayer- that God may provide all she could need for her treatment. Puzzled onlookers had to reassure him that all was going to be fine with Gladys as he wept uncontrollably. (source:


Gladys requires Kshs.7M to undergo an operation to treat her condition and Kenyans can support her plight through sending any amount of cash to aid her treatment bill: through Paybill Number: 891300, Account Name: GLADYS or send MPESA to Mobile Number: 0716 338018 (Wambui Kamande)

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Written by Eugene Cardus

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