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After Esther Wahome Spoke Out, A Mother Opens Up : “My Son Is 17 And He Can’t See,Talk Or Feed Himself”

This comment caught my eye after we posted a story of beauty queen Esther Wahome who had opened up about her autistic son.

esther wahome1

This story had gone viral after other website took the story from us and I would say it has made many women Open Up. Read this comment i bumped into :

I have a son who is 17 yrs he cant see,he cant walk, he even cant feed himself when going out I put him on my back it’s really painful but I don’t care what people will say. I tried to commit suicide because of people laughing at me telling me all sought of bad things like,I attempted abortion, its a curse, we are wachawi(witch doctors).

Today you talk then go and sleep, but today am working in an office because of my son. Several times am invited by the former Prime Minister , Former Vice President, People like Muthaura sitting in the same bench with big people in our country not because of my education,am a form 2 leave out.

Its because of that child people think he is useless in our community. Esther and other parents lets us be the voice of our children and be proud to called a parent with a special child because we are special even in Gods eyes.

My child is in Special Home taken care very well. The burden is easy first UJIACHILIE (admit) then you will know hata uki kufa huta kufa na huyo mtoto (If you die you will not die with the Child) as the more you hide your child the more problems you are creating even to your child and families for more kindly contact me.

I can advice you more Parents Dont Tire.

Wow!! I am touched by the story GOD Bless you all.

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