
Are You In Need Of A Job?? Prince Cam Media Has A Job For You

looking-for-a-job post

You look for a job and end up not finding one. Well now theirs a job for you to host a show with top video production company Prince Cam Media.

prince cam graduation 1

Princecam Media is looking for a TV show host. The person must:
1. Have a great sense of humor.
2. Be in touch with what’s trending on social media.
3. Be very active on social media
4. Be 18- 35 years.
5. Can communicate well in Swahili, English and sheng.

prince cam

Auditions will be on Thursday 24th October at 10am at the Princecam offices situated along Thika Rd. Opp Safari Park hotel, inside Kings college next to Radio Waumini.

For further clarifications call 0713265777,0722846422.
Kindly call during office working hours. 8:30am to 5:30pm

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Uliza Links Team
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