
Citizen Tv’s Michael Njenga Weds Dazzling Sweetheart Phoebe

Citizen TV’s Mike Njenga on Saturday wedded his sweetheart, Phoebe Wanjiku, at a beautiful ceremony held at PCEA Evergreen in Runda.

mike njenga wedding

The beautiful couple tied the knot, flanked by a star-studded wedding party with news anchors like Mike Okinyi, Franklin Wambugu, Francis Gachuri and Tony Timase being in the lineup.

Renown pastors such as the Kiunas and Israel Robert Burale were in attendance and Kiambu Governor William Kabogo.

Congratulating the couple on their union, Hon. Kabogo urged the two to focus on building their marriage as a successful marriage requires work.
mike 4

Courtesy : Citizen TV


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