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Facebook Apologizes for Suspending Christian Mom Over Post on Homosexuality

Online networking giant Facebook said Thursday that it made a “blunder” by suspending a Christian video blogger’s record after she composed a post about the Bible’s judgment of homosexuality.

Facebook as of late solidified the general population Facebook page of Elizabeth Johnston, an Ohio self-teach mother of 10 who runs the prevalent blog and Facebook account “The Activist Mommy.”

“Th“e Activist Mommy” Facebook record was solidified on Feb. 9 in view of a remark Johnston posted more than six months back that refered to entries from the New Testament and Old Testament, including how Leviticus expresses that homosexuality is a “contemptible” sin and a “horrifying presence.”

The remark, which incorporated no verbally abusing, was essentially Johnston’s discourse because of another Facebook client, who had remarked on one of Johnston’s recordings and contended that Christians are posers for denouncing homosexuality.


Johnston got a message from Facebook saying that the post being referred to was evacuated on the grounds that “it doesn’t take after the Facebook Community Standards.” Additionally, her record was solidified for a time of three days.

After she recovered access to her record on Feb. 12, Johnston distributed a post disclosing to her supporters that her Facebook account had been solidified. The post incorporated a screengrab of her unique Bible editorial and the message that she got from Facebook. She closed the post with the hashtag #FacebookCensorsBible.

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