
Facebook Soon to Launch “Dislike” Button

Facebook users have always been faced with the challenge of what to do instances where you spot something that you do not like and you do not want to put a negative comment to the post or instances where you need to express empathy such as a tragic thing has happened. 

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Over the years users have requested for the dislike button for these purposes, heeding to their call Facebook announced on Tuesday that it will be launching the “dislike button”.

“We’ve finally heard you,” CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg told a public town hall meeting in Facebook’s hometown of Menlo Park, California.

The Facebook Founder noted that the reason as to why it took them a while to launch the dislike button was because they did not want Facebook to turn out to be forum where people lash at each other.

“It took us a while to get here… because we don’t want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people’s posts. That doesn’t seem like the kind of community that we want to create.”

He said he understood that it was awkward to click “like” on a post about events such as a death in the family or the current refugee crisis and that there should be a better way for users to “express that they understand and that they relate to you.”

Although they have being working on the button it has proved to be challenging but they have an idea , which they will soon test  and see how it works.

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